Saturday, 4 August 2012

Legionnaires Disease Outbreak..Update !!!

        "Outbreak Source Identified "

      The recent outbreak of Legionnaires Disease in Stoke-on-Trent which claimed 1 life, and hospitalized 17 others has had the source identified.

         The Health Protection agency revealed that shoppers are thought too have contracted the disease after visiting JTF Mega Discount Warehouse in Stoke-on-Trent. The store had switched on a Hot Tub for display purposes , the vapour's contained the Legionnella bacteria, 17 of the 18 patients had visited the shop two weeks beforehand.

           " Be careful out there folks ! "


  1. Can't blive its from jtf,as me and my little girl touched the hot tub and put are hands in it about aweek before the 26th as we went toget some baking things from there ready 4her 1st,just hope nothing comes of it as iam 26 and baby is 1yrs and it seems every1 over 30 has got it,so sad 4the loss of 1man.

    1. Apparently the disease appears to be contracted by older people around 50 and above, or people who have a low immune system through another illness,according to the Health Protection Agency the bacteria is breathed in through the vapours emitted from the water.Symptoms are flu like , high fever ,feeling hot and cold ,headache and muscle ache and coughing.Your both young and have health on your side if you have any concerns speak with your GP for advice.If you look at my blog Archive I wrote a more in-depth blog on the subject a couple of weeks ago.Take Care, I'm sure your both okay.
