Fistmele is, in Archery , the distance between the bow handle and string
when the bow is drawn. ( You may also hear references to a competitor's
"Kisser" - a thing which shows the right vertical distance when drawing a bow. )
( Fartlek - I kid you not ! ) It's an Athletics term
of Swedish origin for a sort of practice running workout
where the runner can vary the speed they , well, run at.
The area between the rear boundary and the long service line on aBadminton court. Sometimes rudely, and wrongly, defined as where
Badminton was played before legalisation in 1322.
Not what you watch Ladies' through, but the end part of the court ,
including the foul circle, the free throw- line and the foul lane. It's called
the Keyhole because it used to look like one in the old days but does not
any more .
Term of praise in boxing , as in " The boy's got chin". Not
the bit the other chap just punched, but the ability to stay
upright despite it, even when seeing stars or indeed nothing
at all. Allegedly "chin" is born not made. The opposite of
" glass jaw ".
Not the expression on the face of the gold medallist in the canoe sprint where he tries his best to look
humble, but the width of the widest part of his boat .
Drive Face is normally the expression that people put on when they turn into the gravel driveway of
someone who is much richer than they are. In slalom canoeing, through the drive face is the curved
, front bit of the paddle which is used to go forward. The rest is done by the back of the blade, which
you may hear called by it's technical term, "back of the blade".
If the commentator refers to these during a cycling race , he'll be wincing . Baby heads are smallish
rocks, though bigger than 'death cookies', which mountain-bike riders often sample - usually with
their teeth when they have a crash.
The pits is a track cyclist's description for what he or she considers a particulary poor performance.Also fenced -off areas of the infield where mechanics work on the bikes.
You're thinking: an Australian person too old to be a groupie who hangs around road cyclists
hoping for a bit of slap - and - gravel. But actually it's a set of drive components - brakes, cranks,
gears and so on .
Almost as nasty as it suggests : what happens when in BMX cyclingyour foot slips off the pedal so the other pedal whizzes round and
smacks you in the shin.
A slobber bar is where the equestrians gather after the event
to commiserate with, and blame, each other. Also , or actually
, it refers to a metal bar between the shanks of a curb bit.
The fencing stroke which parries then forces throughan attack. It's the opposite of ' parade insufficent ' or
' Mal - parry' - a parry that doesn't work so that the
attackers blade makes contact .
We must mention football, (Why no David Beckham ? confused.com) , so let'sstick to the offside rule which is the thing a woman feigning interest in the game asks
a man to explain just once more, thus spoiling his enjoyment of the match while adding nothing to hers.
THE FLOOR - In Artistic Gymnastics what they call the floor is actually ..........the floor. But it's officially a piece of apparatus. And there's more : exercises
performed on the floor are called.....floor exercise. Whoever's in charge of Gymnastics is really going to
have to work on being a bit more obscure or where will it end ???
TOSS - Astoundingly and rather disappointingly an action in Rhythmic Gymnastics in which the Athlete
throws something into the air and catches it again. Cf'trap', where the something is caught , but not with
the hands. Minds : feel free to boggle.
What they call it when a Handball player leaps into the air and
while actually airborne twists to become horizontal in mid - air
and sort of flies round the defender to take a shot at goal. Do not
try this at home. Or if you do try this at home, make sure someone's
Naturally, the rough person in a hockey match with no
front teeth who is responsible for lots of other players
having no front teeth either. More formally, it's the call used to start the game, when players tap the 'flat' of their
sticks three times, then just go for it .
The centre of gravity of a judo combatant, and so one of it's
most crucial concepts. You may also hear the commentators
speaking of "kansetsuwaza", where the combatants lock limbs,
and "O-Goshi", which is a combatants cry, the Japanese
translation of "O-Fuck". ( Actually it's not. It's a Major Hip
Throw. )
Since almost every aspect of sailing is conducted in an
otherwise-dead language based on the everyday speech
of 8th- century gurning rustics, it's hard to know where to
start, but this will do, and it's what the commentators will
cry if a boat turns out of control, broadside to the wind
( or waves ). Unlikely but possible.
Well it's obviously another rowing term for gunwales, which
are pronounced "gunnels", while saxboard is pronounced
"saxboard". In either case it's the top rail along the sides of
the boat, which is sometimes called a "shell",so that a shell's
saxboard is the same thing as a boat's gunwales.
The leade is the smooth section in the breech of a rifle, where you load the bullet, before the "lands" - the
ridges which make the bullet spin in flight. If you hear them refer to the "thrat", it's a not - quite - pukkah
word for the same thing.
This is what happens when a shooting competitor spends all his time practising and never goes out. It is
also an illegally- launched clay pigeon. ( That's 'illegal' in that it's thrown before the player has called 'pull',
or not thrown, or breaks - not 'illegal' as in being fired into someone's face round the back of Argos when
It does make you think, some of these sporting terms. Still
Rip Entry is, in diving, when you enter the water almost
imperceptibly, without making any splash. ( Incompatible
with 'lost move syndrome' where the diver suddenly finds
that he or she can't do a sequence of moves which two
minutes ago was second nature. )
Scull is no relation of 'chin', 'kisser' or ' baby heads' ( qvv ) but instead it is sort of a paddling action of a
synchronised swimmer's hands that is sppecifically designed to put a continuous pressure on the water in
order to hold station ( or indeed propel the swimmer forwards ).
As everyone knows, this is a swimming term referring to the competitors' equivalent of the Green Room,
where they can relax, either poolside or in a special room, before the race. Why ? What did you think it
was ???
" There's that chop block again " is nothing to do with
butchery or Tower Hill; rather, a table-tennis stroke
where the player just waits for the ball to come to his
" blade " ( bat ) which he then chops downwards to
apply heavy spin to the ball as it returns.
Chagi is the Korean word fora kick in Taekwondo. There are
lots of kinds of chagi. 'Ap','Yop',( the drink? ) 'dwi', 'naeryo',
'bakat','cha chun bai' also 'horio'. These meaning: front, side,
back, like axe, outer crescent, skipping, reverse turning. There
are also many kinds of 'jireugi', which means punch. 'Jireugi ap'
'jireugi yop' - you begin to get the picture ???
The tennis commentators will be yearning for this to happen.
A golden set is a set won 6 - 0 without a point being lost.
It has only ever been pulled off once, and that wasn't at an
Olympics - by Bill Scanlon of the USA in 1983. Could this
be the year? Almost certainly not.
A double somersault with a twist. One of those things in trampoline which,
like everything else in trampoline , makes one feel as though one has shot
over the edge, screaming, and smashed one's teeth out on the rim . Can I
go now ? I feel funny.
I find trampoline a bit up and down .
See also 'no bird', since neither have anything to do with sex.To 'bonk' is when a triathlete runs out of
puff,steam and oomph.Technically, it's actually the
glycogen reserves in muscle and liver which run out,
but either way it's a 'bonk', and you've 'hit the wall'
and are going no further for a bit, certainly not at the
rate you were.
A version of the popular indulgence, in volleyball a
'facial' is when a player raises her arm over her
head and smashes the ball into the opponent's side
of the court - and it hits someone smack in the
face. Also invigorating, but in a different way.
A term of beach volleyball abuse ( note the nautical imagery )
for swiping wildly at the ball without any sense of tactics or real
purpose. But for the male spectators , with those skimpy little
outfits, who's looking for strategy or tactics ???
Oddly enough for a sporting term, brutality, in water polo,
does actually refers to brutality, in which Player A tries
deliberately to harm ( maim, kill, disable ) Player B, and
is sent off for the rest of the game.
Shh. stop it. This is simply, in weightlifting, pulling the
barbell to mid-chest, then flipping it overhead. The other
one is called the 'jerk'- I warned you : stop it - which
follows the 'clean', a rapid pull to the shoulders, then
jerking the barbell overhead. There's also the famous
though seldom seen 'prolapse' but it's usually left
unmentioned apart from wincing by all involved.
In wrestling, a 'crotch lift' refers to that nasty
moment in which one combatant locks his arms
round the other's upper thigh and then attempts to
perform a 'snatch'(qv) on the other poor sod.
Everyone winces, which is odd since in the 16th
century the phrase was part of a dance called
La Volta, and it was generally considered rather
sexy. How things have changed !
Now you know your 'bonk' from your 'snatch' and what they get up to down the 'back alley' !!!
I'm off to the 'slobber bar' as I have 'no bird' to see if I can get a good 'rip entry' with a beach volleyball
player on 'the floor'
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