Monday, 16 July 2012


                       RISK IN INCREASE OF TICK BITES !

     The British public are being warned of an increased threat of being bitten by Ticks ' this summer because of the unusual wet weather .

     Ticks - a species of arachnid - can transmit a number of diseases,  including Lyme disease, which can lead to blindness, deafness and Facial Palsy , this is paralysis of part of the face caused by the non-functioning of the nerve that controls muscles in the face. This has been caused by high levels of rainfall , especially if followed by sunshine , this provides ideal conditions for the Tick.
     There are several species of tick in Britain. The one most likely to bite humans is the sheep tick, which despite it's name will feed from a variety of mammals and birds.
      Ticks don't fly, jump or blow around in the wind , they are slow and lumbering unlike a spider which is quick and nimble. They are very adept at sensing their ideal candidate from a fair distance.
      Their purpose in life is only to propagate their species and un-knowingly pass disease onto hosts they feed on.

      Be very careful when removing a tick ensuring that none of the tick is left behind in the skin , remove by the mouth and not the body. I came across a great website for this , which gives you detailed step-by-step guide and actually sell a specifically designed tick remover which is very cheap and removes the whole of the tick. They can also be washed so they are re-usable.

     They are a charitable  organisation and there website is :


      So remember this next time your sun-bathing in the garden !!!


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