1. Windows - Next time your in the supermarket pricing up theglass and window sprays for between £3- £5-stop.
Go get yourself a bottle of white vinegar, a lemon
and a newspaper, once home get a empty spray
bottle and mix together a third of a cup of vinegar
and the juice from the lemon , pour into spray
bottle and top up with cold water. Scrunch up a
few sheets of newspaper ( preferably the banking-
section ) spray directly onto window and clean off
with newspaper buffing it until you have shining
glass. Better , cheaper and lasts longer than
brands in shop.
2. Baking Soda - Great for removing grease from a stove.
Ideal for getting unwanted odours held
within your carpet, sprinkle on carpet before
going to bed and vaccum up in the morning.
Better than any cleaner for baths, showers
and sinks. ( A lot cheaper for all 3 ! )
3. Sink Pipes - Keep sink pipes clean , pour a quarter cup of
baking soda with 1 cup of vinegar down the sink
, this causes a chemical reaction , leave for five
minuets then pour a kettle full of boiling water
down the sink and hey Presto !
4. Alka-Seltzer or Denture tabs - Four tabs in toilet bowl will
bring it up sparkling clean - leave for 1 hour
then clean with toilet brush.
5. Thermos Flasks - put a couple of tabs in flask and fill three
quarters full with hot water , leave over-
night and rinse out in the morning , you
have a stain free flask and it smells fresh.
6. Window Cleaner (again!) - Buy a gallon of car window wash
and transfer into empty spray bottle when
mixed. Cleans just as well as brand name
cleaners is cheaper and lasts ages.
7. Mirrors - Use Air Freshener spray on mirror and buff up to
a shine and they smell nice to. ( Not that I'm in the
habit of going round sniffing mirrors , that would
be weird ! )
8. Tumble Dryer Sheets - Dust your TVs and PCs screens with
a used tumble dryer sheet , reduces
static and stops dust re-settling.
9. General Cleaning - Mix together a good squirt of household
bleach and a small squirt of washing-up
liquid, pour into a spray bottle and top-
up with water. This shifts soap scum
from showers and baths, ideal for clean-
around the bathroom and Kitchen. Also
use on PVC window frames for removal
of green algae and cleaning.( A winner!)
10. Kettles - To remove limescale from kettles , cover the elem-
ent with white vinegar and boil the kettle , repeat
if there's a heavy build up and watch the scale dis-
appear. No after taste either !
11. Tile Grout - To clean your grout around tiles squeeze a lem-
on into some water and rub into the grout with
a old toothbrush. Wipe dirt off with a clean
12. - Condensation - To prevent condensation on windows cut a
Potato in half and rub onto window then
buff up with a dry cloth.
13. - Gloss paint - After decorating with gloss paint cut a large
onion into quarters and place around the
room, this will absorb the odours of the paint.
( A professional painter told me this years
ago !)
14. - Ants - To stop Ants entering areas where you don't want
them draw a chalk line around these areas . Obvio-
usly you need to repeat this if it rains.
15. - To have a room smelling fresh place a few drops of essent-
ial oils on your radiators, or your favourite perfume or
aftershave , when the rads heat up the room is smelling
16. - Marker Pen - To remove marker pen stains from hard su-
rfaces spray hairspray and then wipe off
with a cloth.
17. - Garlic - To remove the smell of garlic from your hands,
rub your hands against stainless steel , your sink
is ideal , then wash hands with soap.
18.- Crayon Marks - To remove crayon marks from walls or
doors simply switch your hairdryer on a
low setting and move over mark and then
wipe with a slightly damp cloth.
19.- Trout - If you've been lucky enough to catch a Trout whilst
fishing or just brought one , saturate a few sheets of
newspaper and wrap your trout up , place in a oven
or on a BBQ , when the newspaper is compltely dry
your trout is cooked. ( My Dad always did his this
20. - Spectacles - Dab some vodka on a dry cloth and clean for a
smear free finish . If all else fails have a few
and they will look great.
These 'Hints&Tips' have worked for me over the years !
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